The country’s trade body for the Intelligent Transport Systems industry is marking a year of providing online Forum meetings by promising to continue to stream content once the country gets back to face-to-face meetings.
The Young Professionals Forum meeting, the first of its kind to be streamed by ITS (UK) on Zoom, was uploaded to YouTube on 27 April 2020. A handful of Coronavirus-themed pre-recorded discussion programmes had already been provided to members.
“One of the key services of ITS (UK) is its Forum meetings where we share best practice, lead discussions and network,” explained the society’s Secretary General Jennie Martin. “When travel was prohibited last year, we quickly changed how we served our members by switching to streamed meetings. Although we haven’t been able to replace the networking aspect of meetings, we have seen some real advantages of having more online participants and being able to record and edit the content so it’s available for posterity.”
ITS (UK) has all its forum meetings edited by a professional videographer who shares his time working for the society with delivering services to ITV. They are then uploaded to our YouTube page which now also features webinars involving partners across Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Nigeria.
“I’ve been really impressed and proud of the ITS UK team with how they have adjusted and accelerated the delivery of digitally-enabled services to our members during the pandemic, and the feedback has been fantastic” added Chair Ryan Hood of TRL. “As restrictions ease, we’ll be seeking to lock-in the benefits of this transformation, providing hybrid events that offer the best of both worlds – in person meetings for those who can and want to join them, plus virtual ones which are available live and on-demand. Congratulations to the team for maintaining a great level of service to all our members.”
ITS (UK) is hoping to resume in-person meetings including its members’ day and annual Presidential dinner and awards in the autumn. You can view all our media content and YouTube videos for free below:
ITS (UK) YouTube Channel