With the online meeting of 31 March, the Working Group (WG) launched by TTS Italia and coordinated by 5T on MaaS, launched in January 2020, ended after more than a year: intense teamwork with the aim of analyzing, discussing, and defining the enabling conditions necessary for the development and dissemination of MaaS services in Italy.
Three core teams identified in the WG to come up with guidelines of 5 chapters: introduction to MaaS, MaaS, and business, MaaS and Governance, MaaS and Technology, the regulatory context at European level. And above all, 12 recommendations were drawn up which can be summarized with the following keywords: trust, openness, market, freedom, public governance, sharing, public transport, multimodality, data, interoperability, support for demand, sustainability.
The Group’s work went hand in hand with the institutional one carried out by the Association which, as announced in recent days, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Technical Mission Structure of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility (MIMS) to support the full diffusion of MaaS nationally.
Furthermore, TTS Italia was audited by the Study Commission set up by MIMS to propose interventions aimed at reforming the local public transport sector, on March 17th. The theme of the comparison, precisely the MaaS and the role of the public transport in the MaaS.
The guidelines created within the Working Group will be presented with a public event which, in collaboration with Club Italia and compatibly with DPCM and health situation, in Rome.