Archives 2022

Invitation to first DACH Mobility Conference

We are pleased to invite you to the first DACH Mobility Conference and mobility workshops on 15-16 November 2022 in the Kursaal in Bern/Switzerland. The event is jointly  organised by the ITS organisations ITS austria, its-ch, ITS germany and ITS mobility as well as by asut (Swiss Telecommunications Association), the Federal Roads Office and the Touring Club Switzerland.

Registration for the mobility workshop and further information can be found here. The places for the workshops are limited. The language of the conference is German.

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photo of new CC members

Newly elected members on ITS Nationals Coordination Committee

Following the recent Network of National ITS Associations (ITS Nationals) elections, we are thrilled to announce three newly elected members of the Coordination Committee:

Donal and Maarja are the first representatives from Ireland and Estonia to sit on the ITS Nationals Coordination Committee. Congratulations to all newly elected Coordination Committee members!

The Network of National ITS Associations is a grouping of national ITS interests formed in order to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level – such as small and medium sized companies. ITS Nationals aims to raises awareness of ITS within the European Union and support collaboration across EU member states.

CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022 – registrations still open

This year the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium celebrates its 20th anniversary. And this year – after some time break of personal meetings caused by the pandemic – we want to organize our CAR 2 CAR Forum in presence. It will be the 16th forum and will take place from 28 to 29 September 2022 at the Rudolf Harbig Stadium in Dresden.

The registration to the CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022 is still open till mid-September.

You will find the registration link for non-members on our website via the link:

CAR 2 CAR Forum Non-member Registration

Or directly via the PDF:

CAR 2 CAR Forum Application Form 2022

Together with the Saxony Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH, at our two-day conference, accompanied by an interesting exhibition, we will discuss topics related to Corporate Connected Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) in addition to our Vehicle to Everything (V2X)

We will spend the evening of the first day in the Transport Museum in Dresden to have another opportunity for networking in addition to the discussions during the day.

Information can be found at:

CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022

ERTICO ramps up ITS European Congress excitement

With two weeks to go until the first ITS European Congress in three years, the organisers ERTICO have issued an online preview document, and are planning a further Congress-related webinar.

The three-day event in the French city of Toulouse starts in two weeks’ time (Monday 30 May). It comprises plenary sessions, papers, special interest papers, an exhibition, demonstrations, technical visits and networking.

Read the full preview here.

The fifth and final webinar on the Congress topic ‘From Largescale Trials to Deployment’ takes place on Thursday 19 May, from 1.00-2.15pm UK time. Sign up here.

The ITS Nationals Network will be meeting in Toulouse at a special session on Tuesday 31 May.

(Picture – ERTICO)

MaaS: 1st Staff Exchange TTS Italia – University of Aveiro within the PriMaaS project

The PriMaaS project staff exchange programme has been constrained by the effect of pandemics. However, following the easing of restrictions, partners are taking the first steps towards closer cooperation between regions.
TTS Italia was the first partner to host a staff exchange in the past day. Following the Edinburgh interregional event, Sofia Suarez from the University of Aveiro participated in a three-day meeting of exchange of experience in TTS Italia headquarters.

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3rd International Intelligent Transportation Systems Summit (SUMMITS’22)

ITS Turkey, established in 2016 to coordinate studies in Turkey in the field of ITS within the scope of the National Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategy Document and Action Plan (2014-2016) prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. The association aims to develop and expand intelligent transport systems in a way that contributes to a safe, comfortable, efficient, environmentally friendly and economical transport system, considering the public interest. It carries out activities that will contribute to the formation of a sector with high added value for Turkey.

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Expressions of interest open for hosting future ITS Congresses

Countries and cities are being offered the chance to throw their hat in the ring to host a future ITS World or European Congress.

ERTICO – ITS Europe is looking for potential hosts of the 2025 and 2026 European Congresses and the 2027 World Congress which will be based in a location within ERTICO’s juristiction.

“For over 30 years, ERTICO-ITS Europe, ITS America and ITS Asia-Pacific have been hosting innovative ITS Congresses that present all that is new in the ITS sector,” said Lisa Boch-Andersen, ERTICO’s Director of Communication, Congresses and Events. “As a Host city, you join the extended ITS family of cities from across the world. Every Host city has felt the long-term positive economic impact on the business of their region and the benefits of being recognised as a key player in the smart mobility landscape.”

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ITS Europe preliminary programme released

The ITS European Congress team has released the Preliminary Programme for next month’s Congress in Toulouse.

The team at ERTICO – ITS Europe says it has worked hard on building a fantastic High-Level and Technical Programme, and that this preliminary programme includes details of all the activities and sessions that will take place at the MEETT Conference Centre in Toulouse from 30 May to 1 June 2022.

Click here to view the Preliminary Programme

This programme will be updated regularly with new sessions, workshops and activities.

Early Bird delegate rates are currently available, with cut-price participation available to people who register before 19 April. The event will attract more than 3,500 people from more than 50 countries. It’ll feature more than a hundred sessions and workshops in total.

(Graphic – ERTICO)

ITS (UK) members report successful Intertraffic

Twenty ITS (UK) members have exhibited and many more been represented at the giant Intertraffic show in Amsterdam, helping to promote cutting-edge British ITS technology.

The four day event featured 13 halls totalling more than 800 exhibit stands as well as demonstrations and conference programmes. People from more than a hundred countries attended.

The event is usually held every two years, but this is the first since 2018 thanks to two Covid cancellations.

There was enthusiasm among people ITS (UK) spoke to about the value of being in Amsterdam.

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ERTICO announces City Moonshot results

ITS Network’s ERTICO – ITS Europe has released the results of phase one of its “City Moonshot” initiative which involved surveying the views of more than 200 public and private entities.

Representatives of 150 cities were interviewed in order to help increase the understanding of how cities worldwide are responding to current and future challenges in mobility and transport.

More specifically, the initiative investigates how cities are addressing challenges such as sustainability, climate change, air quality, digitalisation, multimodality and how to meet the needs of their citizens.

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