The most respected voice and point of contact for ITS interests in the EU

The Network of National ITS Associations is a grouping of national ITS interests formed in order to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all actors at the local and national level – such as small and medium sized companies – and support ITS promotion from the ground up.
It was officially launched on 7 October 2004 in London and is hosted by ERTICO – ITS Europe.

Our vision is that we shall be the most respected voice and point of contact for ITS interests in the European Union.

Our objectives

Mutual inspiration
Raise awareness of common ITS interests within the European Union
Support co-operation and projects across EU Member States

Co-ordination committee

Donal Hodgins
Dónal Hodgins
Marc Verhage
Marc Verhage
Günther Weber
Past Chair
Günther Weber
Elena Elenkova
Elena Elenkova
Laura Franchi
Laura Franchi
Joost Vantomme
ERTICO Representative
Joost Vantomme
Paul Hutton
Paul Hutton