ERTICO CEO Joost Vantomme discusses European Directive on ITS

Following the newly adopted European Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Joost Vantomme, CEO of ERTICO – ITS Europe, shares his insights on the importance of this legislation and what opportunities it entails for the entire industry. He emphasises ERTICO’s unique thought leadership role and gives examples of some key activities which are in line with the updated Directive. Facilitating the digital transformation of transportation is at the heart of ERTICO and efficiency is a key component which mirrors the updates made from the previous legislation dating to 2010. Joost Vantomme’s final remarks in the interview touch upon the five-year framework and forthcoming publication on implementation central to ERTICO and the wider support to assist the European Commission, the Member States as well as national ITS organisations.

What is the new European framework about?

The Directive aims to promote coordinated deployment of intelligent transport systems across Europe. It provides a framework for developing and implementing technologies to improve the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of transportation systems within the European Union (EU).

On 23 October 2023, the Council of Ministers of the EU adopted the long-awaited revised ITS directive following the agreement of the European Parliament. This process was initiated in 2021 by the European Commission after an extensive consultation period with the public and private actors, including ERTICO-ITS Europe.

The new European legislation should ensure that ITS applications in the field of road transport enable seamless integration with other modes of transport, such as rail or active mobility, thus facilitating a shift to those modes whenever possible, to improve efficiency and accessibility.

Why is this relevant for ERTICO and its Partners?

Innovation and ITS is the DNA of ERTICO. Our public-private European partnership was founded in 1991 at the initiative of 15 industry leaders and the European Commission to fill the gap between research and deployment of transport & mobility services. ‘Connecting the dots’ across eight sectors across the ecosystem is our motto.

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Europe’s ITS Associations welcome new ERTICO CEO

The network of national Intelligent Transport Systems societies from across Europe say they’re looking forward to a great working relationship with ERTICO – ITS Europe as its new CEO Joost Vantomme takes over.

“He’s a man we know we can work with,” commented Chair Günther Weber of ITS Germany as he welcomed the continued spirit of co-operation between the continent’s ITS body and the individual associations.

“We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the former CEO Jacob Bangsgaard, and with change there is always a little apprehension,” admitted Mr Weber.  “However, one meeting with Mr Vantomme, and we know we have nothing but a positive future between the individual ITS societies and ERTICO – he’s full of enthusiasm and ideas and it’s obvious he is keen to work with us.”

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