
Inclusivity should be factored in from the beginning, or you’ll unwittingly exclude people, ITS (UK) Forum hears

The Intelligent Transport Systems industry is being reminded to be completely inclusive and remember less able members of society when developing public-facing transport technology.

At its latest Inclusive Mobility Forum meeting, ITS (UK) heard a series of examples of the challenges facing disabled people.

Gordon McCullough, CEO of the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers, explained how disabled people take 38 per cent fewer trips than non-disabled people, and this accessibility gap has not changed in a decade.

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If transport is to get funding, it needs to tell the right story – and the Manual for Smart Streets does this

One of the architects of a major new reference document to guide local authorities in using technology to deliver service, has explained how it is vital authorities can clearly explain why such investment is so important.

Darren Capes from the Department for Transport has written a blog post promoting the Manual for Smart Streets which is officially launched by the Connected Places Catapult and Transport Technology Forum next Monday (21 March).

“If transport is going to get any kind of funding – if it’s going to get any kind of recognition at a local level and any kind of support from local councillors, those responsible for its delivery have to be able to tell the story of why technology is important to make cities and counties and regions better, and so we have to equip those people to be able to do that,” he writes.

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Registrations open for ITS European Congress

Registrations for the 14th ITS European Congress in Toulouse from 30 May to 1 June are now open with an early bird discount rate available.

Organiser ERTICO, says this is a unique opportunity for the European ITS Community to come together, discuss and network to push forward innovation and deliver ‘Smart and Sustainable Mobility for all’ with presentations, demonstrations and a state-of-the-art exhibition all under one roof.

‘I am so excited to be opening registrations for this year’s ITS European Congress in Toulouse. We can’t wait for the ITS Community to be together again. We have so much to show you!’ says Lisa Boch- Andersen, Director of Communication, Congresses and Events.

Delegates will get access to the prestigious High-Level Programme that includes the Opening and Closing ceremonies, the Plenaries as well as the Technical Programme where ITS experts will showcase their knowledge and innovations. In collaboration with the Host city of Toulouse, there will also be a wide range of social activities on offer.

Many of our member organisations will be attending the event – make sure you let us know if you’ll be there and we’ll come and say hello!

(Picture – ERTICO)

Europe’s ITS Associations welcome new ERTICO CEO

The network of national Intelligent Transport Systems societies from across Europe say they’re looking forward to a great working relationship with ERTICO – ITS Europe as its new CEO Joost Vantomme takes over.

“He’s a man we know we can work with,” commented Chair Günther Weber of ITS Germany as he welcomed the continued spirit of co-operation between the continent’s ITS body and the individual associations.

“We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the former CEO Jacob Bangsgaard, and with change there is always a little apprehension,” admitted Mr Weber.  “However, one meeting with Mr Vantomme, and we know we have nothing but a positive future between the individual ITS societies and ERTICO – he’s full of enthusiasm and ideas and it’s obvious he is keen to work with us.”

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generic picture with ISEP logo

Submissions are open for ISEP 2022

The call for submissions is now open for the 30th International Symposium on Electronics in Transport – ISEP 2022. It is organised by Slovenian ITS Association and the Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia. The Symposiums’ 2022 theme is »SOLUTIONS AND TRENDS FOR SMART MOBILITY«. The call deadline is 14 February 2022.

ISEP 2022 will take place on the 28th of March 2022 as a Hybrid/Virtual Event in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


EC Consultation on Multimodal digital mobility services

European Commission has launched a consultation for the implementation of multimodal digital services. The initiative addresses challenges for these services and implements Action 37 of the sustainable and smart mobility strategy. It aims to better integrate public transport and rail services to achieve seamless multimodal passenger transport, delivering the EU Green Deal.

Our members are encouraged to participate and express their opinions in the survey. The public consultation is open until 23 February 2022 and can be accessed here.

ITS (UK) finishes year with a surge of new Members

The vehicle safety testing centre Thatcham Research, international infrastructure group Balfour Beatty and CCTV technology company Exeros Technologies have become the latest Executive Members of the country’s Intelligent Transport Systems Industry Association, ITS (UK).

Executive Members of the Society are seen as industry leaders and help run the organisation and set its direction and focus.

Thatcham Research, Balfour Beatty and Exeros Technologies join Gaist and Sopra Steria as new Executive Members this year.  Overall, 28 new members have signed up since January across private and public sector organisations and academia.

“When we launched our membership drive in March, I never thought we’d be so successful in attracting such a wide range of new Members,” commented ITS (UK) Secretary General Jennie Martin.  “We have really enjoyed having new faces, opinions and expertise involved in the Society – the value of all our Members is greater than the sum of its parts, and through membership we offer them our excellent networking, knowledge sharing and PR opportunities, as they become part of our powerful combined voice of the ITS Industry, leading the conversation about intelligent mobility.”

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TAVF test track: What’s next in 2022?

© TAVF-Geschäftsstelle

Hamburg continues to make progress in the field of ITS: Since 2018, the city of Hamburg has been operating a free, open, manufacturer-independent and several kilometre-long test track for automated and connected driving.

The test track is continuously operated as an open user platform where more than 16 research institutions, vehicle manufacturers and technology companies are currently testing innovative mobility services, such as automated driving functions or safety assistance systems, in a real traffic environment on public roads.

In total, more than 50 traffic lights and the Mahatma Gandhi Bridge have been equipped with communication units (R-ITS-S based on ITS-G5) and a corresponding digital information provision. Thus, more traffic signal installations than originally planned (37) have already been implemented. This forms the basis for implementing various C-ITS services for the road users there. These include a traffic light phase assistant (GLOSA = Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory), the protection of vulnerable road users (VRU = Vulnerable Road User Protection), road works warning (RWW = Road Works Warning), traffic sign information (IVI/IVS = In-Vehicle Signage) and the collection of traffic data (PVD = Probe Vehicle Data).

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Whim in Switzerland

The whim-App of MaaS Global started in Switzerland in fall 2021. With its partner, the public transport company TPF (transport public Fribourg), it manage to include the Swiss public transport. This includes all railways, regional busses as well as all urban public transport services. Overall, the services of some 250 public transport companies are accessible via the whim app. As far as we are aware of, this is the first national coverage of an international MaaS-offering.

ITS Network honours first Chair

The international Intelligent Transport Systems community has paid tribute to one of the pioneers of cross-border co-operation in transport technology as he enters retirement.

Christer Karlsson is stepping down after nearly 40 years in transport during which time he founded ITS Sweden in 1999 and in 2004 initiated and became the Founding Chair of the Network of National ITS Associations which he then played a key part in throughout the rest of his career.

During this time he worked tirelessly for the organisation, simultaneously placing ITS Sweden at the heart of the Network. He has been honoured with a special award to mark his retirement which was given to him by fellow founding Network member Jennie Martin of ITS (UK) and current Network vice-Chairman Mihai Niculescu of ITS Romania.

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