CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022 – registrations still open

This year the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium celebrates its 20th anniversary. And this year – after some time break of personal meetings caused by the pandemic – we want to organize our CAR 2 CAR Forum in presence. It will be the 16th forum and will take place from 28 to 29 September 2022 at the Rudolf Harbig Stadium in Dresden.

The registration to the CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022 is still open till mid-September.

You will find the registration link for non-members on our website via the link:

CAR 2 CAR Forum Non-member Registration

Or directly via the PDF:

CAR 2 CAR Forum Application Form 2022

Together with the Saxony Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH, at our two-day conference, accompanied by an interesting exhibition, we will discuss topics related to Corporate Connected Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) in addition to our Vehicle to Everything (V2X)

We will spend the evening of the first day in the Transport Museum in Dresden to have another opportunity for networking in addition to the discussions during the day.

Information can be found at:

CAR 2 CAR Forum 2022

TAVF test track: What’s next in 2022?

© TAVF-Geschäftsstelle

Hamburg continues to make progress in the field of ITS: Since 2018, the city of Hamburg has been operating a free, open, manufacturer-independent and several kilometre-long test track for automated and connected driving.

The test track is continuously operated as an open user platform where more than 16 research institutions, vehicle manufacturers and technology companies are currently testing innovative mobility services, such as automated driving functions or safety assistance systems, in a real traffic environment on public roads.

In total, more than 50 traffic lights and the Mahatma Gandhi Bridge have been equipped with communication units (R-ITS-S based on ITS-G5) and a corresponding digital information provision. Thus, more traffic signal installations than originally planned (37) have already been implemented. This forms the basis for implementing various C-ITS services for the road users there. These include a traffic light phase assistant (GLOSA = Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory), the protection of vulnerable road users (VRU = Vulnerable Road User Protection), road works warning (RWW = Road Works Warning), traffic sign information (IVI/IVS = In-Vehicle Signage) and the collection of traffic data (PVD = Probe Vehicle Data).

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