Technology’s here-and-now contribution to a better environment showcased at ITS (UK) Members’ Day

ITS (UK)’s first major in-person gathering since the start of the pandemic will feature a discussion about how technology is helping transport reduce emissions and tackle climate change.

The industry association’s Members’ Day is hosted by Cubic Transportation Systems at their UK HQ in Surrey on Thursday 25 November.  It is also sponsored by White Willow Consulting and WSP.

WSP will present details of their “greenprint” proposing a holistic perspective – one that considers people, processes, places, infrastructure, vehicles, technology and associated data – to support comprehensive change as societies set targets and form pathways to achieve net zero ambitions.

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Funding for the digitalization of transport. The TTS Italia webinar

In the presence of 150 participants, including private companies, public and research bodies, the webinar “Funding for the digitalization of transport”, organized by TTS Italia, and moderated by the Secretary-General of the Association, Olga Landolfi, was held on 21 October.

The event was an opportunity to present the guidelines developed within the TTS Italia Working Group of the same name, coordinated by Fabio Nussio of the Roma Servizi per la Mobilità Funding Department.
The guidelines are intended to be a practical and concrete support tool for public bodies, institutions, and private individuals in order to make the most of national and European funds in favor of mobility and transport.
After the opening of the works by the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, and the presentation of the results of the aforementioned Working Group by Fabio Nussio, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, during the webinar we talked about opportunities financing, current, and future.

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Federdistribuzione, Freight Leaders Council and TTS Italia: an agreement for digital and sustainable logistics

The agreement between Federdistribuzione, Freight Leaders Council, and TTS Italia kicks off with the aim of supporting the logistics sector in the change of pace towards a more digital, simplified, integrated model with a view to a circular economy, in line with the principles of energy transition established by the European Union and by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Going into the details of the signed memorandum of understanding, skills, planning and best practices will be brought together to develop solutions capable of accompanying the logistics sector towards an increasingly digitalized and sustainable future, capable of reducing costs and emissions and thus creating a value chain at all levels of the supply chain. Several paths have been identified to facilitate the transition: from the promotion of pilot projects for the widespread use of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) within the distribution sector, through the creation of training opportunities and dissemination of knowledge and good logistics practices integrated, up to the realization of operational solutions for the simplification of control and monitoring procedures in the supply chain processes.

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UK Transport Minister hails “pioneering innovations”

The new Transport Minister Trudy Harrison says that the work of the British Intelligent Transport Systems industry is “pioneering” and key to the future of transport and decarbonisation.

Ms Harrison spoke to the Highways Voices podcast during a visit to the ITS World Congress in Hamburg where she toured the exhibition and met SMEs on the ITS (UK)-supported UK Pavilion.

“I’m meeting the people that are involved in the pioneering innovations,” she said. “A lot of this is problem solving, and the kind of positive mentality that I’m seeing from the people, particularly on the UK stand is fantastic, but also to be able to see the demonstrations as well, of how these smart machines are being utilizsed on real streets, in real communities, across Europe and beyond.

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ITS (UK) appoints Carbon Ambassador

In the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow, and the requirement for transport to dramatically reduce its emissions, ITS (UK) has appointed environment expert Keith McCabe to be its first Carbon Ambassador.

The Intelligent Transport Systems Industry Body is keen to underline how technology is already being used to improve air quality through a range of solutions that make travelling more efficient, from improved traffic management through navigation and modelling to enforcement of clean air zones and reduction in electricity use thanks to solar road studs or renewably-powered roadside units.

Keith McCabe is CEO of both Simplifai Systems and KAM Futures and is a leader in new thinking around distributed energy systems involving virtual power stations, smart grids and electric vehicles.

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The two MaaS days of TTS Italia and Club Italia: “We are here, now let’s do it”

“Mobility as a Service is central to the mobility policies that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS) pursues in cities with the Recovery and Resilience Plan: the modal integration of public and private transport services is the heart of these policies”, thus Mauro Bonaretti, Head of the Transport and Navigation Department of MIMS closed on July 13 the first day of the” National MaaS Days”, the conference held in Rome, and jointly organized by TTS Italia and Club Italia . “The means of transport is transformed into a service to allow an all-round sustainable mobility”, echoed Mauro Minenna, coordinator of the Department for Digital Transformation of the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, in pulling the strings of the final session the next day.

Freight Leaders Council and TTS Italia together for logistics at the service of the Country

A common working table, a long-term collaboration, to develop proposals and strategies for the digital transformation of logistics. This is the commitment made at the end of June in Rome by the Freight Leaders Council (FLC) and TTS Italia.
An operational table that completes a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the two associations on 22 April last.
For TTS Italia, Rossella Panero (President), Olga Landolfi (Secretary General), and Leonardo Domanico (Project Manager) will take part in the table; for the Freight Leaders Council, there will be Massimo Marciani (President), Clara Ricozzi (Vice President) and Elisabetta La Scala (Secretary).
The goal is to make oneself available to the country system to develop innovative projects for logistics, especially for its digitization, to permanently and definitively change a fundamental sector for the development and recovery of Italian competitiveness.

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ITS online courses from CAPITAL

CAPITAL is a project funded by the European Union to design and deliver a collaborative capacity-building programme, including training and further education, for public and private sector practitioners in the field of (cooperative) intelligent transport systems (C-ITS & ITS).

CAPITAL’s open online training platform provides a training programme and educational resources to public and private stakeholders wishing to learn more about ITS & C-ITS deployment. It caters to audiences with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of understanding of (C)-ITS.

The online courses can be accessed here>>.

ITS training webinars from ERTICO Academy

The ERTICO Academy is a unique training platform that offers Public Authorities and their teams personalised and interactive trainings in smart mobility on a wide range of topics. The ERTICO Academy facilitates learning and enables participants to upskill with the training provided by experienced mobility experts and state-of-the-art resources.

The training webinars can be accessed here>>.

Dr Angelos Amditis elected Chairman of ERTICO- ITS Europe for a second time

On 8 June, ERTICO – ITS Europe hosted the annual General Assembly (GA) to present the highlights and strategic activities of 2020. Being one of the most significant events of the year, the GA sought to inspire employees, partners and stakeholders to reflect on the previous year and chart the course for the coming year. With more than 70 representatives, the GA webinar presented ERTICO’s future projects and strategy, including the upcoming event: the 27th ITS World Congress in Hamburg in October. During the GA, the Chairman of ERTICO, Dr Angelos Amditis shared the newly appointed Supervisory Board of ERTICO.  The GA also confirmed that Dr Amditis was re-elected as Chairman of ERTICO.

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